Manufacturing Engineering

Getting a new product to market involves dies, tooling, molds, automation, and manufacturing processes. Having a product development background means that we understand design for manufacturability. It also makes us better manufacturing engineers.

With offices in the United States and Asia, our team can have a presence at the factory to make sure every project starts up the right way. Furthermore, our Asia Quality Team grants us the ability to audit production for clients to ensure conformance to requirements.

Manufacturing Engineering for Honda
NLS Develops Tooling for New Honda Generator

Our capabilities include:

  • Process flow charts
  • Risk Assessments
  • Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
  • Quality Assurance Plans (APQP)
  • Pre Production Approval Process (PPAP)
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing Programs (CAM)
  • Dies
  • Injection Molds
  • Fixtures
  • Automation
  • Operator Instructions
  • Mistake Proofing