The year is 2350 in the new SyFy TV Show Expanse. In season 1, episode 5 as their spaceship hurls through space, it looks like 7 of the Northern Lights Solutions designed Kinetico Kube drinking water systems are used to take care of the crew! Good to see our products […]
Design Engineering
For a design engineer, one of the greatest rewards of the job is to take an idea from concept and create a functioning end-product. It’s so rewarding because the path to get there is typically long with sometimes unforeseen obstacles along the way. One method to ease the process is […]
Purchase Officials has reached out to NLS for our design engineering expertise. Specifically, the company contacted us to work on one of its devices to improve sound quality and ease of use. We are, of course, happy to oblige, and to be working with the company on its awesome line of referee equipment About Purchase Officials […]
For a design engineer, the ability to use MCAD (mechanical computer aided design) is one of his greatest assets. Using CAD, engineering teams can collaborate to create, edit, view, and share their designs. Traditionally, CAD programs such as SolidWorks, Creo, and Autodesk must be downloaded, configured, and installed in order to […]